Learning Activity 29A Self-check

2. Paul indicates he was crucified with Christ on the Cross of Calvary in the era of 33 1/2 AD.

4. Paul indicates that he was crucified with Christ.

6. Paul states that he dies daily!

8. Paul indicates that he is constantly dying with Christ.

9. Paul states that his daily dying with Christ results in life.

10. Paul cannot possibly be talking about physical death. If he was, the verses would make no sense at all.

12. The New Covenant.

13. Paul is referring to the Old Covenant.

14. Paul is referring to the New Covenant.

15. Paul is referring to the Old Covenant.

16. Paul describes the Old Covenant with the word “glory.”

17. Paul is referring to the New Covenant.

18. Paul describes the New Covenant as exceeding in glory.

19. Paul is contrasting the Old Covenant with the New Covenant.

20. The Old Covenant.

21. The New Covenant.

22. Paul is again referring to the Old Covenant.

23. The veil is done away with by being in Christ!

24. They have to accept Christ as their Messiah.

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