Learning Activity 14


Who Did Jesus Die For?


We have seen from previous Learning Activities that a person can become a Christian, that is s/he can have Christ who is eternal life come and live within them, by believing in Jesus Christ. There are some people who refuse to believe this to be possible for any number of reasons such as:

My past life has been so terrible that God could not possibly love me enough to die for me!

I have to get my personal life straightened out before God could ever come and live within me!

I need to prove myself to God before He would allow me to be one of His children.

The real problem with all of the above understandings is that they have no basis in what the Scriptures say.

In Learning Activity #6, we discovered that God had a plan that was devised “before the foundation of the world.” That plan, which was in place before anything happened in this world, was that all of mankind could be “in Christ.” This was an all inclusive plan and no one, even the most horrible person you can think of, was excluded (Ephesians 1:3–4).

Using your Bible, look up the following verses and write them in the space provided. As you proceed answer the questions as they appear.

1. John 1:29

2. According to the verse above, whose sin was taken away by Jesus when He died on the cross of Calvary?

3. John 3:16

4. There are two key questions about the content of the above verse we need to ask ourselves.

a. How much of the world (the people) did God love?

b. What is the requirement for anyone in the world to not perish but to have eternal life (Christ living in them)?

5. Romans 5:6

6. Who did Jesus die for?

7. Romans 5:8

8. According to the verse above, who did Jesus die for?

9. Romans 5:10

10. According to Romans 5:10, who did Jesus die for?

11. Hebrews 2:9

12. According to the verse in #11 above, who did Jesus die for?

The result of our study is that there is no one who has ever lived, or is living, or will live in the future on this planet for whom Christ did not die and become the perfect, sinless sacrifice for that person. No one has an excuse for not conforming to God’s plan before the foundation of the world. The only limitation on becoming a Christian is found in the phrases “whosoever will” (John 3:16), “whosoever believeth” (Romans 10:11), and “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord” (Romans 10:13).

This incredible truth is depicted on the following chart, Figure 90.

Click on Self-Check below to check your answers.


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