Learning Activity 65

The New Covenant Relationship to Old Covenant Practices

In the three previous Learning Activities we have investigated how God considers believers in the New Covenant to be His “Spiritual Israel.” For this and other reasons there are a number of Christians who from time to time attempt to bring Old Covenant practices, ceremonies, rituals and religious activities into the New Covenant church. The purpose of this Learning activity will be to investigate what the Scriptures have to say about such thinking and actions.

1. Galatians 4:3

In the verse above the word translated “elements” should more accurately be translated “rudiments.” (See the meaning of this Greek word in Learning Activity #35). The Amplified Bible captures the meaning of this verse in a more helpful manner by the following reading:

“So we [Jewish Christians] also, when we were minors, were kept like slaves under [the rules of the Hebrew ritual and subject to] the elementary teachings of a system of external observations and regulations.”

2. What do you think the Apostle Paul is referring to in the verse above?

3. Galatians 4:9

4. What do you think is the main point Paul is making in the verse above?

5. Galatians 4:10

6. What do you think Paul is referring to in the verse above?

7. Galatians 5:1

8. What is the main point Paul is making in the verse above?

9. Galatians 5:2

10. What point is Paul making in the verse above?

11. Colossians 2:16

12. What is the point that Paul is making in the verse above?

13. Colossians 2:20–21

14. What point does Paul make in the two verses above?

In conclusion, the above study should lead us to understand that Old Covenant practices, ceremonies, rituals and religious activities are not intended to be brought into the New Covenant. The Christian is not to place new wine (the New Covenant) into old wine skins. Mixing the Old Covenant in with the New Covenant has a name that is is held in low regard by the apostle Paul – it is called “Judaizing.”

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