Learning Activity 72B Self-check

2. It was to take place shortly after the passage was written.

3. During the lifetime of some of the disciples.

5. They are uninformed and have been led astray by some in the church who teach otherwise.

7. At the Parousia of Christ circa AD 70 the work of defeating Satan started at the cross was completed.

9. Paul knew that a horrible judgment was coming soon.

11. The end of the Old Covenant.

12. They are misled by some in the church who say that Christ has not yet come. What these people do not understand is that the Parousia was a spiritual event NOT a physical event!

14. They have been misled by some in the church and have not done their own research and/or study.

16. They have been misled by some in the church and have not done their own research and/or study.

18. Circa AD 70.

19. At the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus and the Roman Army.

21. During the lifetime of some of the disciples.

23. During his (Caiaphas’) lifetime.

25. They appear to have no understanding of the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant and do not know that the kingdom is now present on earth spiritually.

27. Prior to and up to AD 70.

29. Circa AD 70.

31. He knew the Old Testament prophecy and knew the time was right.

32. Circa AD 70.

34. The judgment on Jerusalem.

35. Circa AD 70.

36. Not in the slightest!

37. The events of the book of Revelation were about to take place.

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