Learning Activity 75A Self-check

29. The judgment Paul spoke of took place at the coming of the Lord (the Parousia) circa AD 70.

30. Paul was referring to the end of the Old Covenant Age, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Parousia which were only a short time in the future from when he wrote this letter.

31. Paul was referring to the end of the Old Covenant which began to vanish away with the earthly ministry of Jesus and was completely done away with at the Parousia of Christ circa AD 70. See Learning Activities #23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 29A, 29B, and 65 on this web site for additional information on this subject.

32. Jesus came back (His Parousia) circa AD 70. His coming back did away with the Lord’s Supper.

33. The “first fruits” was Christs’ resurrection. Christs’ Parousia took place circa AD 70. The words, “the end” being referred to is the ending of the Old Covenant and was completed at the Parousia.

34. “The day of the Lord Jesus” refers to His coming presence that took place circa AD 70. See Learning Activities #37 and 47 on this web site for additional information on this subject.

35. The written code kills is referring to the Old Covenant. But the Spirit gives life refers to the New Covenant.

36. The phrase “in this age” refers to the Old Covenant while the phrase “that which is to come” refers to the New Covenant.

37. The Ephesians were told to make the most of the time because in a very short time the Parousia and all that is part of that event would take place!

38. Paul is referring to the presence (Parousia) of Christ that was to take place a few short years into the future from when he wrote this letter.

39. Those during the transition were not declared totally free and clear of judgment until the Parousia which took place in a few short years from when Paul wrote this letter. That was the reason for this “conditional” statement. Following the pattern established by the Old Covenant high priest who had to come back out of the Holy of Holies of the Mosaic Tabernacle, so Christ as our New Covenant High Priest had to return to His church after taking His blood into heaven. His return signified the total acceptance of His sacrificial blood at the Cross. There was no forgiveness of any sin until this event was completed!

40. Circa AD 70 at Christ’s Parousia.

41. Circa AD 70.

42. First Thessalonians was probably written about AD 50. The Parousia (presence) took place circa AD 70 so they had about a 20 year wait.

43. At the Parousia (coming, presence) of Christ an event that took place circa AD 70.

44. This hope was fully realized no later than circa AD 70 at the Parousia of Christ.

45. A. The “you” were those in Thessalonica to whom Paul was writing.

B. This was not just an idea of Paul’s, but rather “the word of the Lord.”

C. This event would happen in their lifetime, “we also who are alive.”

D. The event took place at the Parousia (coming, presence) of Christ circa AD 70.

46. A. Paul is specifically writing to those in Thessalonica. They were his “audience of relevancy.”

B. This event took place circa AD 70.

47. This event took place circa AD 70 when He came in the destruction of Jerusalem.

48. Circa AD 70.

49. The expression “latter times” is referring to the last days of the Old Covenant.

50. Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared (His Parousia, presence) circa AD 70 just 15 years after this letter was written.

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